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Career Advantages from Traveling

“Aren’t you wasting your time on that? You should be focusing on your job!” As a backpacker, you’ve probably heard that before. When you tell family or friends that you’re going on a longer backpacking trek, they don’t always understand the career advantages from traveling. Though, nowadays, it’s becoming common knowledge just how beneficial travel is for developing one’s own skills. Yet still, you are expected to justify yourself.

However, you will definitely be prepared for the next time you get this lecture! We have listed many reasons why your trips are not a waste of time and how you will even gain career advantages from traveling.

Journeys Enrich You

Wherever you are in your life right now, it’s never too late to go out into the world! It will not only promote your personal development but also look great on your résumé. We’ve put together a few types of ventures that may even open career opportunities for you.

The gap year

The term gap year describes the bridging period between two phases of life. For example, between high school and university studies or technical training, or before entering working life. A gap year is the perfect opportunity to glean some career advantages from traveling. Not only does it give you more time to figure out what you want to do next in life, it allows you to grow a great deal as your own person!

There are many options when designing your gap year. For example, you can do work and travel, au pairing, and volunteering. Or, you can combine different options and just try out everything. Either way, these trips great for you personally and show employers your independence and willingness to try new things.

Language trip

A language trip is a perfect option for you if you want to improve or learn a foreign language. Learning a new language is a perfect example of one of the career advantages from traveling. You will not only get to know the language better on-site but also the people and culture that come with it. Many programs vary in terms of the length of the stay and the intensity of the courses.

In this case, the career advantages from traveling are numerous and highly desirable. This is because languages are always in demand with employers, so the more you speak, the better! Furthermore, a language trip on your résumé shows that you like to improve your skills on your own, which is a big plus when you apply!

Semester abroad

If you are in the middle of your studies but still want to gain some experience overseas, a semester abroad is a good option. This way you can combine studying and traveling without neglecting the former. Most universities have partner institutions all over the world and will help you with the planning and all necessary steps.

During a semester abroad, you face the challenge of studying in a foreign environment and often in a different language. However, you will learn new perspectives and make international contacts at the same time. A semester abroad is a great opportunity to gain career advantages from traveling that will help you immensely in your job search later. Here, too, you can prove your independence and initiative. Furthermore, studying abroad will distinguish you from other applicants.

Working abroad

The desire to travel can also be combined particularly well with work! Especially within the EU as it’s super easy to work in a new location. Notably, internships are great options for living and earning money in another country for a short period. Here, too, your university or school can often help you with their contacts. There are also many platforms on the internet where you can find relevant jobs.

Internships have always been a good addition to your résumé, and one abroad is twice as great! Other possibilities are, for example, volunteer work or the supervision of summer camps for children and young people. Working abroad shows your future employer that you are organized and independent.

Just wandering around

Your trips don’t necessarily have to include specific activities that you can write on your résumé or mention in interviews. Even the simple exploration of unknown places is beneficial for your personality in many ways!

From each of your trips, you will come back having learned a lot that you did not know before. Maybe you have seen things and experienced adventures that will change you and positively shape your character. Then, the experiences you have made can also strengthen your self-confidence, which is a solid skill to have overall.

Skills and Advantages

Have you perhaps decided on one or more types of travel? Then, you are probably wondering what skills you can use to score points with future employers. Often you may not even notice many new strengths you’ve acquired. That is why we have selected a few of the best skills and characteristics for you that you will certainly learn or have already learned on your travels.

Foreign languages

No matter what foreign country you are in, we promise that you will definitely pick up some of the language. It can be just simple phrases like, “good morning,” or “how are you?” But of course, you can devote an entire trip to learning or improving a foreign language, too.

This knowledge is in great demand on the job market, and being fluent in English is a must. You will use it a lot, especially in countries where you don’t speak the main language yet. So, even if you don’t learn a new language, you will definitely improve your English significantly if it is not your mother tongue.

Other cultures

Obviously, on your trip to foreign countries, you will meet the locals and are likely to learn more about their culture. It might sound mundane, but these experiences, in particular, greatly develop your personality! By getting to know other ways of life and perspectives, you develop tolerance, foresight, and openness.

These are all qualities that employers are always looking for in applicants, and that is especially good for dealing with colleagues or (potential) customers. Use your chance to understand the lives of the locals and gather as many new impressions as possible.  You will also benefit from this job-wise!


Another plus point for you as a globetrotter is having contacts all over the world. In the professional world, good connections have become the be-all and end-all! When you travel, you will get to know a lot of different people from different places, which you can and should take advantage of. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should ask them for jobs and other favors. Friends from all over the world can help you with a lot more.

People from foreign nations usually have a different view on things. They may know about opportunities that you never heard of before, or job offers and courses of study that you don’t know about yet. This can be a real career booster since it helps you plan your professional future.

In addition, with contacts all over the world, you always have a contact point and familiar faces in an unknown country if you want to go there again.


What you are guaranteed to learn on every trip is flexibility. As things rarely go as planned on the road, you will often have to change your mind spontaneously, plan your route again, or even discard it entirely. This is how you learn to deal with stressful situations and to remain calm.

On your trip, you will see that there is an alternative and a plan B for most things. You will also get used to rethinking quickly in certain situations. This ability to think quickly on your feet and adapt is very popular with all employers, as it is also extremely important in professional life.


If you’ve already prepared for a longer trip, you will know how much work it is. Planning such an adventure requires a lot of organizational talent and patience. Not only do you have to plan everything before you leave, but you have to keep track of things on the go too. This skill is particularly helpful for jobs in large companies. But a good organization is also very important for any application.


Lots of traveling will make you more open to new things and acquaint you with different situations from different perspectives. You will come across various cultures and have to learn to adapt to people’s living conditions. In your future work life, you will always run into unknown situations and deal with people who think differently than you.

Therefore, this skill is an enrichment for you and your career, as you will be much more attuned to dealing with new experiences! Adaptable behavior will save you from a lot of stress and therefore, make your job a lot easier!


Hopefully, we have shown you that there are real career advantages from traveling. No matter which traveling type you choose, it will supplement your hireablility! From the skills you have learned for your résumé up to personal development, your trip will educate you and teach you a lot of new things.

Of course, the trips mentioned here do not mean all-inclusive vacations in isolated hotel complexes. These travels may be very relaxing and affect your work positively, but we are referring to something else here. Namely, those activities in which you explore foreign countries and experience adventures and life to its fullest. The challenges are unique and give you more than you’d expect. A boost for your career is just one of the many advantages that your adventure will bring you!

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